Morning Session #2: Learning analytics, use your data!
Looking back on an inspirational morning!
When we reflected on the morning session #2 of 26 april together with Andy Webb (learning director and Mike Rustici (CEO and founder of we noted how engaged the audience had been. It is clear that the subject of learning analytics, xApi and data is on everyones mind these days.
The presentations can be downloaded here:
After the Morning Session, we used your questions and insights for a series of interviews. You can check all video’s here::
Schrijf je hier in voor Morning Session #3 op 21 juni
Crude oil
“Data is the new oil”. A phrase we hear ever so often these days. We see good examples of markets where data is being used to improve services, delivery times, customer satisfaction, marketing spending and much more.
From a digital learning perspective we see many opportunities and a few proper examples where data from digital learning is being used to improve the learning content. There are products out there, like Degreed, that offer a structure with learning analytics built into it. Where user data can be used to personalize the learning environment of a single user.
But most of the corporate digital learning still happens in an LMS with Scorm files. Not much data there… Some LMS’s are capable of handling xApi. Companies that then also start using xApi content start collecting a vast stream of data. Leaving them with the question; “How can I make use of all that data?”

Best practices
To answer that question its best to hear from colleagues that have been using the learning data to their, and their learners, advantage. How? And what did it take to get real insights from all that data? These are just a few of the topics we will cover during the 2nd Morning Session of this year.
Key note speakers:
Mike Rustici – CEO / WatershedLRS
This time we have a top speaker from the US coming over. Mike Rustici, an expert in the area of eLearning conformance as well as Learning and Development analytics, will be our first key note speaker. After co-founding Rustici Software in 2002 (, Mike helped guide the first draft of the Tin Can API (xAPI) and invented the concept of a Learning Record Store (LRS) – revolutionizing the Learning and Development world. In 2013, he delivered on the promise of Tin Can with the creation of Watershed, the flagship LRS that bridges the gap between training and performance.

Andy Webb – Director of Training / Applied Industrial Technologies
Andy Webb is a catalyst for driving learning engagement and performance outcomes in Sales, Operations, and Finance to communicate corporate strategy and reach Kirkpatrick level four results.
He leads Organizational Learning at Applied, a small team that pioneered one of the first Learning Record Store (LRS) applications to dynamically correlate learning competencies with business KPIs on SAP. As an early adopter, his work with Watershed LRS has received awards and attention in local and international learning circles, validating xAPI analytics and deep data for business metrics application.
Andy is a L&D geek focussed on achieving strategy alignment through learning development. Currently microlearning and measurement are at the forefront of his responsibilities. He is a xAPI measurement megaphoner and advocate among corporate peers.